CCP Explorer

The CCP Explorer is a web application for searching potentially available oncology patient data and biosamples across sites and is accessible to researchers at all DKTK sites and partner sites of the Clinical Communication Platform (CCP).


The CCP Explorer allows sending customized search queries to participating sites in real time. A selection of different clinical parameters based on the ADT/GEKID basic data set is available, as well as search criteria based on biosamples. As a result, aggregated case numbers per location and a graphical representation of selected parameters are displayed. Researchers thus receive an overview of potentially available oncological patient data and biosamples, which can be used to assess the feasibility of a research project.

The data that are searchable in the CCP Explorer are stored at the participating sites using the technology and IT solutions established by the CCP and can be requested for secondary use.  Automatic access or sharing of data does not take place, but must be explicitly negotiated with the respective data owners (sites). A data protection policy is in place for the federated CCP IT infrastructure, which has been positively evaluated several times by the TMF e.V. data protection working group.

Oncology researchers from participating sites who are interested in using the CCP Explorer can apply for access to the web application using this registration form (in German). For more information, please visit our FAQs (in German) or contact the CCP team.